
This is the home of Graeme Codrington’s musings on the future of Christianity.

I am an amateur theologian. I am amateur in the sense that I don’t get paid to be a theologian. But I do have three theological degrees (as well as two commercial ones). I was top of my class in all three of my years of undergraduate and one year of Honours studies, and won Greek and Hebrew prizes, while majoring in Systematic Theology, Old and New Testament studies and Youth Ministry (Practical Theology). My Masters degree is in Diaconology – a combination of theology and sociology. I also have a Bachelor of Commerce and a Doctorate of Business Administration.

I was ordained as a minister in the Baptist Union of South Africa, but have since left the denomination. I have been a youth pastor at two churches, and was the official preacher at another. I was publisher and editor of a Christian magazine, The Edge, which looked at issues of applying a Christian worldview to contemporary issues. I have been a regular contributor, including some with my own monthly column, to many Christian magazines and publications, and have had papers published in a number of peer reviewed academic journals. I still preach and teach at churches whenever I get the opportunity, and am fairly well known for work I do on understanding different generations in faith-based settings. But, this is just a hobby for me – at the moment. My wife is a pastor in the Methodist church, where we both attend.

I am now a strategy consultant for organisations of all types, helping them understand the disruptive forces that are changing the shape of the world around us. My primary clients are corporates, and I try to show them how to become more engaging, wholesome and fulfilling environments for people to work in and work with. I also work with faith-based organisations, non-profits, schools and charities. I am a futurist, author, researcher, consultant, board advisor and professional speaker.

I have published six books, four of which were published by Penguin Books (now Random House). I am currently in the process of completing a book on Christians, the Bible and Same Sex Marriages.

You can find out more about what I do professionally at my website: http://www.graemecodrington.com or my company website, TomorrowToday Global.

I live in Johannesburg, and work all around the world, with bases in London, Singapore and Toronto. I am a follower of Jesus the Christ and his Way of living and being in the world. I believe his “good news” is for all people and should make a difference in this world and the next.

Contact me at [email protected]

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Graeme Codrington's musings on a new kind of Christianity