Yesterday I spoke at the Gracepoint Fast Forward leaders conference. My topic was “Succeeding in a Changing World”, and I focused my attention on the impact of mobile smartphone technology on the way we might do church in the future.
You can listen to the 55 minute session on SoundCloud here or below, and follow along with the slides by downloading a PDF here.
For more information about our church, click here, and to get information about our Fast Forward conferences follow the Facebook page here.
Graeme, may I ask what is the future of church meetings? I find that there are less and less people attending meetings – such as the church AGM.
Allied to this is (and more up your street possibly) the fact that the youth are absent from church meetings (apart from the Youth Pastor; but they are paid to be there.)
Is the smart phone the way to hold AGMs? But as you said, “Is this only for the rich?”
Thank you Graeme
Bill, it really depends on your denomination. I am assuming you’re in a church with local church government as a value. In this case, you’ve got the same problem as political parties – you’ll battle to get young people to care.
Two things will help: better use of technology, and making sure the meetings connect with young peoples’ concerns directly.