Welcome new readers – a quick intro to the conversation thus far

Every now and again I’ll do a quick overview of my favourite posts – and that can act as a nice introduction for new readers and a navigation tool for those who want to “catch up” with some of the thinking and conversations on this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to help Christians and those seeking faith to find new ways to think about what it means to be a Christ follower. I have been writing and blogging on this topic since 1995, and this blog includes a selection of new and old stuff I have been working on. Some of it I’d die for, but some of it is purely experimental (I try and let you know which is which). The point is not to present a fully worked through systematic theology, but rather to allow you to enter into an ongoing conversation with me. If you like, this is just my journal – and you get to look in…

So, with that said, here is a brief intro to some of the posts on this blog:

You will find this blog coming back over and over again to our responsibility to social issues, and especially to poverty, development and social justice. Here is a sample:

This obviously impacts on what the church is meant to be doing:

And on theological issues:

I have a passion for helping people to read the Bible properly, and develop helpful hermeneutics:

That’s a brief intro. There’s lot to read and discuss – join the conversation.

And stick around. We’ll head into fun waters soon. I plan to start looking at the issue of homosexuality over the next few months.

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