The story of Esther, the poor orphan girl who rises to be Queen of the greatest Empire on earth, is one of my favourites. Many years ago I told it to a youth group at a camp, and since then the dramatisation of the story has been one of my favourite sermons to share. I got the chance to do so last year at our church, and I’ve finally had some time to edit the various video feeds into a single video.
So, here is the story of Esther, preached at my home church. Enjoy.
Hey , Graeme. I just listened to your sermon. Great stuff ! As God would have it , I was asked to host a Russian cyclist overnight three weeks ago today. He has an amazing story. His mom committed suicide when he was 8. His father and brother both died from alcohol poisoning , so he was raised in an orphanage. Anyway , he decided to ride his bike from Colorado Springs , CO USA to Cape Horn, SA. he stayed with me in southern Arizona. I just received a text from him this morning saying he is very ill and I’d on his way via bus from Acapulco to Mexico City. To fly back to Moscow it will cost $1500, money he doesn’t have. Your email arrived this morning–Future Church Now . Talk about timing and our being here at just the time and place that God intended. To me your sermon is a confirmation of what my role is to be : ) Thanks so much! I also think I’ve missed a lot of your sermons on gay wondering if somehow future church now emails stopped getting to me . I’ll look at your sermon list and see what I’ve missed if I have.
thanks again! Technology is amazing ! You in Johannesburg , South Aftica and me In southern Arizona. And we’re able to communicate. God is SO amazing and SO loving!
Thanks, Don. It’s great to know that the sermon is going worldwide. I have a number of sermons still to add to the site. I’ve been very busy with my “real” job for the last few months, so it’s been a bit quiet on the blog. More will be coming up soon.