The We Are Church community works through the book of Amos, applying it to our world today. Included in the session is some ChatGPT assisted poetry and some worship we created as a community.
The We Are Church community works through the book of Amos, applying it to our world today. Included in the session is some ChatGPT assisted poetry and some worship we created as a community.
On 13 November 2022, the We Are Church faith community met to discuss what we can learn from the very first New Testament church gatherings (Acts 2). It was a rainy day in Johannesburg, with a massive downpour making recording difficult for a few minutes, so apologies for the audio quality in some parts of the video.
This is a sermon I preached at our small faith community, ‘We Are Church’ in Johannesburg, on 9 October 2022.
There are lessons from Jesus’ Baptism, as recorded in Mark 1 for churches. We need to heed these lessons of new beginnings, of not getting stuck in church structures, of not being stuck in Empire thinking, of not getting stuck in creating exclusive and excluding communities.
There are lessons here about God’s love for us all, about God’s image being in all of us, about God’s invitation to be part of new faith communities.
I was as sick as a dog as I was preaching this, so there’s not much energy or outward passion. But this sermon came from the depths of my soul. It is what I believe most deeply.
Watch it here:
This blog hasn’t been active for the last two years. Covid has taken my focus from these theological issues to practical, local community action. But my passion for building inclusive and affirming communities of faith remains unwavering.
My wife, Jane, is heading up a small faith community in Johannesburg, South Africa, that we have called “We Are Church”. It’s independent and informal at the moment, but we will see how things progress. I have been asked to summarise my views on LGBTQI inclusion and affirmation for this group, and will share the videos of these meetings here.
The first of these videos is entitled:
The Bible and LGBTQI inclusion and affirmation
It is a summary of the work you’ll find at this blog in my special series on how we interpret the seven verses in the Bible that appear to oppose LGBTQI people.
I become more and more convinced that we have been wrong in our historic interpretations of the Bible, and this approach I suggest is a significant improvement in our understanding of God’s Word.
I am doing a short mini-series for our faith community on “new beginnings”. We’ve gone back to Genesis, and I have done two 25 minute talks on how to interpret Genesis 1, and then what the meaning of the passage is for us today. Here are those two videos:
We are gearing up to start Season 2 of the ALLin podcast. Season 2 will focus on what the Bible teaches and shows us about marriage, and why we are wrong to limit it to “a natural born man and natural born woman” as conservatives now frame it. We will also look at LGBTQI-positive interpretations of Scripture.
It would be really beneficial for you to listen to Season 1 before you dive into Season 2. Season 1 consists of 20 episodes that look at the seven “clobber verses” in the Bible that are typically used to argue that LGBTQI people are somehow breaking God’s natural order and are “abomination” to God. Season 1 also looks at some key issues around definitions of gender, sexual orientation and sexual biology.
To listen to Season 1, please subscribe to ALLin on your podcast player of choice:
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Or, if all else fails, listen to it on our hosting platform, LibSyn:
Keith Giles has written a fantastic article on the Patheos blog site titled “How Evangelicals Changed The Bible To Support Their Beliefs”. In it, he gives specific examples of the ways in which conservative evangelicals have chosen to change the meaning of words in newer English translations to fit into their theological frameworks, rather than more accurately reflect the original Biblical meaning.
You can read the article in full at the Patheos website, or an extract of it below:
Continue reading How Evangelicals Changed The Bible To Support Their Beliefs (by Keith Giles)
A look back at the key Bible verses that talk about homosexuality and why they don’t apply to loving LGBTQI relationships today, with a positive reading of the book of Romans.
This ends season 1 of the ALLin Pod. Season 2 will focus on what the Bible says about marriage, and whether LGBTQI people can get married.
Yes, we are still in the book of Romans. For many Christians, Romans 1 is the key passage against same gender sexual activity, so we need to cover it thoroughly. In this episode of the ALLin Podcast, we look at seven additional interpretative options for Romans 1.
If you’re satisfied with my explanations so far, you might want to just skip the rest of this episode. This one has a lot of detail and further options for interpreting Romans 1, for sake of completeness. While I have sympathy for these seven views, I do not endorse them all, and find some more compelling than others. I present them for two reasons. Firstly, for the sake of completeness – these are views held by committed Christians and qualified theologians alike. Secondly, and more importantly, so that those who might still be clinging to a traditional interpretation of Romans 1, despite the detail I have supplied about context and about the meanings of key words, can see that there are significant additional problems with the traditional reading of Romans 1.
There is a danger that by presenting a variety of alternative suggestions for interpretation I will bring confusion rather than insight. I hope not. I think it’s clear to see that the weight of evidence is actually pretty much overwhelming: Romans 1 does not condemn same-gender couples wishing to enter loving, lifelong, covenantal marriages.
Continue reading ALLin Pod: Episode 19: Other Interpretations of Romans
Whether you agree with my analysis of the so-called Biblical “clobber verses” in previous blog entries or not, the discussion about LGBTQI issues in the church is really centred on the issue of marriage (and sex). The next few entries in this series will be focused on what the Bible says – and doesn’t say – about marriage.
Since I began my work on this issue over a decade ago, most Christians have shifted from being totally opposed to LGBTQI people to now welcoming them into their churches – even if only as “sinners” who need be “healed”. But they believe and teach that LGBTQI people should be celibate, and they believe that marriage can only be between a “natural man” and a “natural woman”. For them, the actual “sin” of homosexuality is same-sex sexual activity, and since they also believe that sexual activity is confined to marriage, LGBTQI people should neither marry nor have sex.
Most countries that have legalised gay marriage have actually created a new category called “civil unions” rather than including LGBTQI people in laws about marriage – this is largely been done to placate conservative religious groups. Churches are enabled to hide behind this legal distinction, by acknowledging civil unions as legal entities but continuing to deny gay “marriages” in their churches.
Continue reading Part 19: The Importance of Marriage in the Bible and Christian Faith